Monday, May 3, 2010

Oh My May

Well, as I always end up saying at the beginning of the month, I can't believe that it is already May! Oh my, where has the time gone! I feel like I was just starting the semester and now I am looking straight down the barrell of my last 2 weeks of this final full semester of my undergraduate classes!! Yay for that! Then the following week I am taking a mini-mester class that is Monday through Friday 8am-5pm. These classes, although are nice because you get a full 3 credit hour class finished within a week, are super stressful because you are doing an entire semester class in a week! All the prayer warriors get your BIG ones out because I am going to need all the prayers that I can get these next couple of weeks!!!

Unfortunately, over the last couple of weeks I have been getting increasingly tired. I don't know if it was the switch in my thyorid medicine or just the cycle of the progesterone, or just the PCOS in general. Yet, yesterday I was falling asleep on the couch at 5pm! WOW, that is crazy for me. And even as I sit here typing this I am struggling to keep my eyes open and if it were possible for me to go back to bed, I wouldn't think twice about it! Obviously there is something going on now the real key is figuring out what it is!

My diet has been great I believe I am not on day 27 of perfectly clean eating with no carbs, and no sugar, and all natural. I love how much better I feel when I am eating like this and it has definitely helped the insulin resistance because I no longer am having CrAzY outrageous desires and NEEEEEDs for sugars and carbs. I even made Monkey Bread (a Giant Cinnamon Roll) this past week for my roommate and friend and didn't even have an urge or feel the need to have any. I have also kept up with my supplements and my water. I drink excessively as usual and pretty much always have a bottle of water in my hand. I have even started buying all grass fed, no hormone, free range meats despite the fact at how much more expensive it is.

My workouts have been quickly coming to a stall because of the energy thing. Fortunately, I am at least able to get myself to the gym in the mornings and I am getting in at least 5 weight training days per week and at least 5 cardio days per week. Unfortunately, this LACK of energy thing is REALLY starting to get to me and I am struggling to even make it entirely through all of my workouts. I am ready for bed about half-way through. Also, I am finding that I am weaker and not able to lift as much or go as long. This is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY out of my character! I hate it because it is almost like I am looking from the outside in and I know that it is not like me but I can't do anything about it. It is basically just pure exhaustion, physically and mentally.

I called the doctor this morning and left her a message about my thyroid and about the fact that I am supposed to get a prescription level of vitamin D because mine was so low and my moods fluctuate sooo much when the weather is bad. So I am anxiously waiting their phone call (with as much energy as I can muster up to wait for it!)

I am trying to stay postive throughout this time, but it sure is going to make these next 3 weeks even more difficult then they are already going to be if something doesn't change. Thank God for my amazing relationship with Him because without Him I don't know what I would do or where I would find my rest, peace, and strength! I am going to just rest on the notion that, "I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens ME" (Phil. 4:13).