Monday, January 18, 2010

Throwed Rolls

I love food and because of this I love watching shows about food. Especially places that like to do different, unique, and interesting things in their restaurants. We just so happened to be driving by Sikeston, MO, and although I wouldn't have thought anything different about this random city, it is home to Lambert's Cafe -  The Home of the Throwed Rolls. This was also a place that I have always wanted to go after watching it on my of my food shows. You order and sit down and they actually throw rolls at you from across the restaurant.

Unfortunately, when we pulled up the parking lots was packed. It seemed like a pretty big restuarant though, so we decided to take our chances. As soon as we pulled the door open we were bombarded with a sea of people. We could barely even step foot inside the restaurant. I was definitely bummed out at this point yet fared our way through the people and put our name on the list. Unfortunately, it was going to be an extremely long wait. In the process of this, my dad sought out the take out where we just ended up ordering the rolls to go so that we could at least say we had one. Yet, this wasn't good enough for me. How do you go to Lambert's Cafe, the home of the throwed rolls and not even get a roll thrown at you? The rolls lose their lust without them being chucked at you from across the room.

This is just one side of the Huge restaurant. The guy in the suspenders is the roll thrower!

We were TOTAL tourists!

Since I REALLY wanted someone to throw a roll at me (a statement I never thought that I would make), my dad and I asked an offical roll thrower to throw one at me. Now I am an offical roll catcher!

My roll thrower friend with his roll cart.

The rolls were actually delicious, light, and fluffy with the perfect amount of butter lightly brushed on the top. I would definitely recommend anyone that is driving through Sikeston, MO (because I know no one is going to just go visit Sikeston) to stop and get a roll "throwed" at them! In case Sikeston isn't on your route, there are also locations in Ozark, MO and Foley, AL.